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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pic Collage

Name: Pic Collage

Price: Free

Format: Apple/Android App
-Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id448639966

Difficulty: Easy
For teachers looking to get into BYOT, Pic Collage is THE app to go to. It is simple enough to use, yet it has enough features to keep the more technically minded students entertained.

Email Required: No

Pic Collage is an app that can be used to create collages on a student’s device. The best thing about this app is its simplistic interface. There are no complicated controls, or random text floating around to confuse students. Instead, users are given a blank screen with a plus sign on the bottom. To add objects to the screen, the user clicks the plus sign, or double taps on the screen. Pic Collage gives the user the option to add photos from the device’s photo album, photos from the web, text, stickers, and to alter the background. The app also provides users with an option to insert photos with a “use camera” option. This option lets the user take a picture directly from the app, and automatically insert it onto the screen. All objects added to the collage can be rotated, magnified, and cropped.

The “use camera” option opens up a wide variety of interesting options for the students. For instance, some of my students take pictures of their work on dry erase boards, and then insert the picture onto Pic Collage. The ability to insert pictures from an album means that pictures saved from using apps such as Mematic or Comic Puppets can be inserted onto the Pic Collage.

Finally, Pic Collages are be easily shared to a teacher. Students that do not have an email set up on their device can save the Pic Collage to their device’s camera roll, and then upload it onto a digital poster such as Wallwisher or Linoit. Students can also easily upload images onto Edmodo. 

Student Examples:

I highly recommend this app for teachers looking to enhance their instruction through the use of technology. The apps basic features are easy to use; yet, once students and teachers master the basics, there are numerous ways to really get creative. 

Word of Warning:
Because students are given the option to insert images from the web, watch out for the typical inappropriate searches that come with internet researches. Be prepared for many backgrounds that consist of One Direction and/or Beat headphones.

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